Self-polymerizing microsystems for sampling of gut microbiota and biomarkers
This study lays a strong foundation for the development of untethered, non-invasive microsampling technologies in the gut and advances our understanding of host–gut microbiome interactions in the near future.
- ACS press release (Link)
- Interview by Nutrition Insight (Link)
- Covered by eight popular science services (Link)
- Scientists use ingestible device to take snapshot of gut
This study lays a strong foundation for the development of untethered, non-invasive microsampling technologies in the gut and advances our understanding of host–gut microbiome interactions in the near future.
- ACS press release (Link)
- Interview by Nutrition Insight (Link)
- Covered by eight popular science services (Link)
- Scientists use ingestible device to take snapshot of gut

Micromotors for Environmental and Biomedical applications
Making Micromotors Biocompatible, The Scientist.
Tiny tubes do speedy cleanup, Chemistry Views.
Nanomotors Have Places To Go, American Chemical Society.
Making Micromotors Biocompatible, The Scientist.
Tiny tubes do speedy cleanup, Chemistry Views.
Nanomotors Have Places To Go, American Chemical Society.